Wednesday 13 June 2012

The monster lives

Well, the first post is always the hardest, they say. Well, I've never actually heard anyone say that about blog posts specifically, but I'm sure the principle still applies.
So, in an attempt to generate a little bit more online presence for myself, I've set up another blog. If you followed my travel blog in 2011 you might be a bit perplexed that I'm doing one about photography now, but I assure you I've gotten a bit better since then.
For starters I'll just be uploading the work I've done for my Screen and Media class. I can't promise any of it is particularly artistic, illuminating or even any good - I'm not a professional photographer after all - but I feel it may be useful to put what I'm doing up online for posterity and generally as a record of what I'm doing and learning and how I'm progressing.
So if you've stumbled on here and have any kind of opinion on my work - good, bad, indifferent - please comment.

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